Monday, May 4, 2009

Great weekend...let's keep it going!)

Wow, i had a great weekend with the fam!
Saturday, i ran to town with DD (she loves it when its just her and me, er, her and I, er, me and her???lol)
we bought some primer, drywall tape, drywall mud stuff and a paint hopes of getting some work done on her room/living room wall that daddy built right before DS showed up...
then hubby went out with the boys and i spent a lovely lazy afternoon with the kids, then we had company that nite (old co-worker of hubbys came to see the kids, she is such a nice girl!) and the guy that hubby hung out with during the day...they both stayed and played cards with us old
then on sunday, was up pretty early with DS, so when hubby got up i went back to bed for an hour, then got up and packed us up for a day trip to go fishing!!!
DD LOVED it! (we had also bought her a lil kiddie Dora fishing rod on saturday that came with a practice plastic fishy so each time she reeled in a fish!!!too cute)
we caught one fish (a jack fish aka pike) and can't wait to have it for supper tonite! unfortunately it won't be battered and deep fried the way we used to make it (can't afford the extra points this close to WI, plus oven baked with dill will still be awesome!!!)
and then we left after we caught that one as things started to come undone (baby boy was fussing, realized that wood ticks were out, and DD was freaked out by the fish flopping
came home and then hubby fixed my bike tire (yay), got a bit more yard work done, got some gardening advice from a neighbour and finally got a babysitter lined up to watch the kids for my ball game nites!!!and she is one of the best babysitters ever!!! today, i need to start flushing away those hotdogs from yesterday cuz i have WI tomorrow nite!!!i'm soooo tempted to get on the scale but i won't...that's why it's in the attic!!!lol

my first fastball game tonite...sooooo excited...!!!'s lunch time now...gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. WOW I'm tired just reading about what you did in one day! Sounds like so much fun! Goodluck at WI :)
