Wednesday, May 13, 2009

quite happy!

WI last nite and i'm quite happy with the results...down 2.2! and here i thought i wouldn't lose anything...don't know about this
so i'm only 1.8 lbs away from my 10% goal so really only about a week or so away from my reward (which i'm going to get tomorrow)...i need to pick a new reward for my next goal...hmmmmm...i don't really know if i want to get a "Target Outfit" (ala Tommy Europe's "Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp"
my knee still hurts when it goes a certain way, so i have to dig out my knee brace (i have one somewhere...probably in my army kit bag in the basement as i wore it alot in my army days, cuz that's where i originally hurt it) gotta get it for ball game tonite...
my exercise kinda fell off since the weekend...i was at least walking even tho towards the end my knee was really feeling i took monday, yesterday off and i'm gonna play ball tonite if it doesn't rain (actually i'm kinda hoping to be benched till towards the end or the whole game, cuz our next game is next wednesday, so that would give me a week to get it back to feeling good).
off to the inlaws this weekend, just me and kids as hubby's bro and nephews are coming here to go gopher hunting and just be "guys"...hopefully i can get them to babysit for me on saturday nite (after the kids are in bed) so i can run into Brandon and go out with my friends for one of my girls' birthday drinking, just dancing for me!!! we'll see...
i also need to keep a close tab on my tracking as last time i was there i fell off the tracking wagon HARD! thus the .4 lb gain from Easter...i'm usually pretty good about it and really there will be no big family dinner, so it should be easy!
we'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah on your loss!! You are rocking it momma!
    Love the side pics so much change already.

    Gaining 0.4lb over Easter is not bad at ALL! I'm sure you will do great this weekend too. Have a great time :)
