Wednesday, September 23, 2009

wow...i'm a slacker!

totally been neglecting myself and this blog...
here i go again tho...

i'm back home and back in routine...thankfully i STS this past WI, but i gained two WI's before liking what the weekends do to me...gotta change that thinking and keep on keeping on...
happy i stayed for the meeting last nite as i needed to be reminded not to look at the big picture but to set those small goals that are achievable! but i still want to remember my ultimate goal of being a lifetime member...just not concentrate on it to the point of that "all or nothing" frame of mind...
plus i need to remember my ME in making time to exercise...if i can't get it in during the day, then i need to take those 20 mins at nite after the kids are in bed...hubby will have to be content with being on the back burner for the total of 20 or 30 mins it takes...maybe i'll get him to join
5 lbs by thanksgiving...that's goal #1

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WI good...

Pleasantly surprised that i actually lost a bit of weight at last nite's WI! down 1.6 with only being OP 3.5 days outta the now that i'm back with a vengeance i should steadily see results each week...and day 2 of level one Shred done! i forgot that it hurts after day one till about day 4 or 5, from what i remember so if i can just not think about the soreness stiffness or pain of my legs, arms, and abs during then i know by next week i'll be fine!
and gulp, i spent just over 300 bucks on groceries last nite but i'm fully stocked up on all kinds of wholesome goodness foods for the fam...tonite i'm gonna bbq steaks, boil new potatoes and mix in some dill seasoning, and try my hand at a bean salad...i have 12 points left for that feast!
i'm really in it to win it this time!
my reward for hitting my 10% this time (last time it was my contacts!) will be to go to a real hair salon (not the excuse for one in this town), and book myself for a professional dye job and cute cut (the last two or three haircuts i've gotten have not been exactly what i wanted but it was better than what it was, and for the price and conveinence of having it done here in town, i thought it was okay)...hubby is totally on board with this reward!
my 10% goal is 164.2 lbs...OMG i can't remember the last time i was in the 160's...probably back in my early 20's when i didn't weigh myself at all! to go start looking for a good healthy bean salad recipe!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WI tonite...

have to admit that i was soooo off plan this weekend, but really in the back of my mind, i wasn't really ready to commit till today...Sept. 1st...for some reason this whole summer i've had this date in my head for getting back at it full force, so this past week was like my warmup...
but today with gusto, i'm soooooo back at it...just finished shredding, joined up for the Sept Shred Challenge, getting back into routine, and i even made the BEST 3 point homemade hamburger (bison meat) soup i ever put in a pot yesterday! in fact it's all gone...we had it for lunch and supper!
now before my meeting i need to get to Walmart, then after my meeting i need to get to the grocery store for fresh veggies and fruit!
my head is in the game and even tho we are planning going away this weekend, i know i can stick as close to plan as possible, and even those lil indulgences are okay if i plan for them!
the reason we are going away besides it being the long weekend is we totally are trying to make up to our lil heartbroken Tempel...this Sunday we got her all excited to take her to the pool ( i even sent hubby to the pool first to make sure it was still open, cuz i knew it was closing for the season this weekend just didn't know if it was sunday or saturday), and he came back and said there were like 40 or 50 ppl this point in time it was 3:30, so get the kids all ready and get packed up and off we go...shortly after 4...and they were just closing it up for the season...i cried i felt so bad as lil Tempel kept going "Pool, mom? pool ,dad?"
i tried to make the best of it and she seemed to settle for playin in our swimsuits in the, baby boy and her...but hubby felt so bad he promised her to take her to a hotel this weekend with a off we are going!!!

well i'm all shredded and sweaty so while baby boy is still napping, better go clean up! i'll report tomorrow on my WI!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

I did it...i bit the bullet and went to a meeting last nite and was my plan all along, you know, take the summer off and see how i do on my own...turns out it didn't work for the better...
for the first 6 weeks i rocked it! At my final meeting i was at 182...i got down to 174 on my own (doing the daily shred challenge, and started to run even)...then we attended the event that i was losing weight for, and after i got home i totally stopped tracking, stopped exercising and went right back into eating the same way prior to WW...silly stupid me...OF COURSE I GAINED!
oh well...just goes to show me that i need my meetings!
now to get back into shredding too...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

have you seen my...

i can't seem to find it anywhere and i looked for over an hour under my covers this morning for, i had the best of intentions last nite and set out my running clothes so all i had to do was turn off the alarm clock and jump outta bed into the clothes and head out the door...running at nite is just not gonna happen these next few days as hubby is super busy working late every nite! at least he makes it home for supper before he's on the run again!
so, i was planning on getting in my final week 2 run (btw, it's the start of week 4 for other ppl on the c 2 5 k program...but not here)...and somehow i forgot to turn the alarm clock on once i set the timer least i woke up at 6 (20 mins past when i wanted to wake up) and set it up for hubby's wake up time...
i have to at least get back into shredding...cuz i'm up a lb at this morning's WI...a lil dissappointing but i didn't do nearly enough exercising or following any sort of program food wise this past week! i gotta go look for my motivation's around here somewhere!

Friday, July 17, 2009

yay for getting back into it...

so, i got up early this morning (baby boy was up at 5:45) and i couldn't get back to sleep right away so i jumped up outta bed (knowing i had until 7am when hubby goes to work) so i got my running clothes on and laced up my shoes and got outside to get my 2nd run in of week 2 of the C 2 5 K program in! i felt great when i got home but then i hit the wall right before baby boy got up and had time for a lil quick nap (20 mins)...and now my quads are sooooooo sore...guess i didn't stretch as well as i should have...don't know if i'll get to shredding today...will see how i feel later on...
also, started going through the kids old small clothes yesterday that are stored up in our attic (it's actually a spare bedroom that we use as storage) and it's going to take me the rest of the weekend plus some to go through them all but as we have definitely decided we are done having kids...i'm packing up some for when our nephews/nieces start having kids in the next 10 years (they are 19,17,15) for hand me off's but also cuz i got alot of handmedowns for our lil girl, i am going thru them carefully and donating some of the older more used clothes...but not to the salvation army...i want to donate them for free to some really needy families...might have to take them to the big city for that tho...oh well!so my spare room is full of stacks of clothes, boxes and just a lil area on the bed where i'm organizing everything...great fun for lil girl to come up there with me when baby is sleeping and "play"...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Official WI...

and i'm down 2 lbs!!!yay!!!but the bad news is that i'm still not back into shredding or running this since friday...yikes...need to get a hold of that thing called motivation...and you'd think the 2 lb loss despite all the overindulgence this past weekend would do it for me, but for some reason my resolve is waning...gotta go read some success stories and get back into that "losing" mindframe again!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Had to peek...

at the scale this morning even tho my WI is tomorrow...but i figured i would assess the damage early and make a plan...but whew...i STS...

had an absolutely fabulous weekend even tho the reason for the gathering was a sad one...leave it to my hubby's hometown to turn it into a party! after 50 years, his lil town's school (k-6) closed it's doors...but they decided to do it in style and had a school reunion for anyone and everyone that attended the school since it opened...which for my hubby's family is three generations! his parents were there when it first opened it's doors (it was a consolidated school, combining the surrounding one room schools that were located throughout the countryside), then of course my hubby and his older brother and younger sister all went to school there...then my sister in law's little guy (who is now 15, and goes to highschool in the neighbouring town) went there ...
so on friday was registration and a concert at the rink of a whole whack of local talent! then a bonfire and my father in law's firework extravaganza! (he put on a show that was 31 minutes of pure excitement...he has his pyrotechnics license so he can purchase all those really big big big fireworks and man oh man did he!!!)
of course he needed lots of help so i didn't see my hubby for the majority of the day or night but thats' the price! it was sooooo worth it..and my baby boy slept thru most of them...lil girl wanted to go home but once i got her further away from the noise she was okay to stay and watch!
the next day was full of fun...Amma (that's icelandic for gramma) made a bunch of egg macmuffins and i did up a huge fruit platter for breakfast...then we had an Amazing Race team entered but me, hubby and the kids just toured the school and signed the gym wall, played at the park, went to the senior center where amma was working and had a lil lunch of a roll, cheese, pickles and more fruit!
then back to the house where it was naptime for the i went with my nieces back to the school to go play volleyball...then back to the house to get ready for supper at the hall...then from the hall back to the house for a visiting session, then to the rink for the social, which we took the kids was awesome and i wished we had a sitter for the kids cuz i know hubby would have loved to go back after we put them to bed...oh well...then on sunday was the sad day as the closing ceremonies were after the lunch at the hall...
we got all set up to watch and they announced that once they locked the door of the school it would remain locked for the rest of the day so take 10 minutes and take one last tour...which me and hubby to leave kids outside with the nieces...i could see the emotion on my hubby's face so i got tearly eyed as he led me through the school...we started in the kindergarten room...then on to gr 1-2, 3-4, was sad...then the ceremony started ...they put together a time capsule (complete with the strap from years ago!) and decided to put it in a crawlspace where it will stay up and until/or past when the building gets renovated (it hasn't been sold yet)...then there was this past year's students (the school population) who sang "saying goodbye" from the muppet movie...very touching! then the principal said his thank you's and a very moving speech which brought a lot of tears (my hubby included) and the final act of closing the school door! wow...and i never even went there and i was all choked up~!
then we went home, packed up had a big family visit...then off to home!
i'm exhausted today and need to clean, do laundry, get kids back on schedule, and get groceries...whew...somewhere in there i need to shred and make a food'll all get done sooner or later!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

another STS...

and i'm okay with it as i was wayyyy off points this past weekend and TOM is coming soon...i feel the bloaty-ness...
i got a double shred in yesterday and felt great...enough so that i went for my 3rd run from Week 1 in my Couch to 5 K to somehow figure out when i'll get to start Week's raining here now so at least i can shred this afternoon without being too hot...and with us leaving Thursday nite for home, i think i may do run 1,2, 3 these next three days...hmmm...wait...hmm...may have to take my running stuff with me and get one in when at home...wonder if anyone will want to join me? also i need to take my shred DVD with me again...just gotta figure out a good time to get the TV...there will be 11 of us living in the inlaws for 3 days...
i can't wait but i need to remember to watch my portions...i always overdo it when i'm there...
well...i better go continue cleaning...i started but slacked off after i fed the baby...not

Saturday, July 4, 2009

couch 2 5 K runs...

so, i started a Couch to 5 K challenge group on the fitness challenge board on the WW site and so far i have a tonne of joiners~!!!!19 in total...if only 1/4 of those stick with it, that's wayyyy more than i thought in the first place...
i've done 2 runs so far and altho i am totally outta breath by the end of the 60 seconds, 90 seconds is sufficient time to recover and i find myself saying "you can do anything for one minute, it's only one minute!" and that helps!
i totally need new running shoes tho and i would like to find a relatively cheap mp3/ipod player thingy cuz music would be nice, even tho i find myself quite occupied with watching the clock! gotta get my own stop watch/clock instead of holding onto hubby's huge watch in one hand and my water bottle in the i know what a fanny pack is for!lol...i so don't want to get a fanny
so, i need to get moving here and somehow find the time to get my shred in today before the company comes (8 ppl are coming to our house tonite for supper and to stay one friend from my old army days, and hubby's friend, his girlfriend and their combined children which are 5 in total...thank goodness they are bringing their camper! )
soooo...lots to clean/tidy and i gots all the makings for a great bbq dinner...i just have to watch my portions! i hope i see a lil loss this week for all the hard work i'm putting in!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On this day...

i choose to be positive...
i choose to recommit to the WW program...(and i am)
i choose to start a "Couch to 5k Challenge" group (and i did)...
i choose to shred (and i did)...
i choose to keep myself and my mind busy and let it be okay to reflect on only the positive good times i had with my dad...
i choose to remember him in my own way...
i choose to let that comment slide and not dwell on's negative and i won't let it bring me down!
i choose to have fun at my ball windup in just over 2 hours...golfing...sweet!

love you and miss you dad! (Greg Moffatt FEB 28, 1947-JUNE 30, 2008)

Monday, June 29, 2009

refocus day!

it's been one week...and whatta week!

this is what i posted on the goodbye fat pants board in the newbies section of the WW website..."
flashback one week, had company for the week which caused emotional eating trigger huge!!!then i got hurt playing ball that nite (at least i double shredded that day, so i was all exercised up!) but then did NOTHING all the rest of the week...didn't track a thing, ate all the wrong foods (comforting as they were), felt all kinds of guilty and now i'm taking today to refocus and tomorrow morning am going to face the scale (WI day) and get back up on that wagon as it goes by me with all you successful people on it!!!
That's that! i love feeling healthy and happy and need to get back there!
also, i joined a 15 week challenge (via a blogger) and it starts today...eek! not going to have very good first week stats but oh well...can't change what i've done, just recommit and get back to it!!!"
so my company is gone home and even tho the first anniversary of my dad's passing is tomorrow, i think i have filled the hole of emotional really didn't help but seeing my best friend last nite/today definitely helped get me in a better headspace! i miss her so much but like best friends, once we saw each other it was as if we never were apart!!! she has had a uber-crappy year and yet she's still plowing ahead so i can too!!!
so, i will face the scale tomorrow morning with my head held high no matter what it reads, and am recommitting to full OP days from now till excuses!
my knee doesn't hurt as much so i will be trying to outdo this month's 19 out of 30 days shredding, and i think i will try doing the couch to 5k program during the evenings after babies are in least 3 nites a week i think is what i need to commit to...better look that up again!
also, need to get some meal planning in, as this past week's meals were anything but well planned or healthy...need some more veggies and fruits back in this house!!!
alright...time to change this crystal lite back into clean, cold, water!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


up one lb this week, but measurements are the same...gotta get back to tracking and now i have this gross knee, so shredding is on hold for the moment...and advil is my and ice, lots of ice!


Friday, June 19, 2009

hmm...halfway point!

wow...i didn't think i was busy, but i guess you can get really busy doing nothing (or at least it felt like close to nothing) yeah, i'm at the halfway point (um, better update that ticker...change it from 160 to 150) to my goal weight and i'm also back into my skinny clothes (er, i mean my former what i called skinny clothes cuz this is where i would usually be really happy with my weight and quit), size 14/16...i have never ever been lower than 170 lbs in over 10 years...and when i was, i don't remember ever weighing me being 174 right now, i feel pretty darn good but i don't want to rest on my laurels...or continue to test the cookies that i bake for my lil girl and dh (which i did last nite, to the tune of 4!!!) ouchie...oh well...i just caught up with my tracking and i still have 15 wp's left and i'm at 12 ap's earned so far...i did double shredding today to make up for last nite and posted that on my 30 day shred challenge board and got a friendly wager from a fellow are both behind (day 17 outta 19) and we have wagered that we can get to 21 by/on the 21st (sunday) so that means two more days of double shredding...i actually think this is a great idea...undo the cookie damage and level 1 is almost like a hard warmup for me now...after this weekend i may think about upping it to level 3! i watched it yesterday and it looks half fun and half i think i can do it~!
and ball playoffs are on monday and wednesday then ball is over :(
i am seriously contemplating the couch to 5k program after that !!!we'll see!...i need to get to a city to buy really good running shoes...and a wayyyyy better sports bra!
well....later (hopefully not too much later tho!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


totally...can't believe that i lost 6 lbs in one week...i've never had that big of loss before and am wondering if my scale is do you check something like that...i also looked up prices of those digital scales and i think the one i want is around 50 that may be the next purchase...cheaper than the next session of meetings!
i'm thinking back to all i have done this past week and the biggest change is that i am diligently doing my shred video EVERYDAY (except for one, so far...that was the day of my ball tournament and i had played two ball games in the rain and was so tired and sore that i went to bed at 8:30!)...also, i followed the program to a tee! i earned a whack of ap's and only needed to eat one of them! i ate the majority of my wp's on the saturday and sunday and was back to just dp's for monday'/tuesday...also because i was back into the 180's i was up to 26 dp' i'm back to 25...which funnily is the same amount i had when i first activity level is the one factor (besides the weight) that has changed...thus giving me more pt's!
i feel great...
when i started the "shred challenge" on the fitness challenge board on the ww website, we all took our waist measurement and i was at 39 1/2", something i was very proud of because when i started WW it was up at 43 (i was actually 48-43-48) and now i am 43-38-43!!!!sooooooooo happy about that but i have no jeans left to fit into...i gave my skinny jeans to my SIL, but i think they are too big for her, so i'm gonna ask for them back this weekend when we are out at the in-laws!!!
sooooo happy!
well...gotta figure out what's for lunch and supper!
later all!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


wow...haven't posted anything for a week...sorry!
i gained 3.8 lbs at WI this week but i'm back in the game with the right attitude and i've even committed myself to completing the 30 day shred DVD everyday for the month of four done and i feel great!
also, i'm going to stop going to meetings for a bit (depending on how i'm doing actually, i may end up going back to check in a couple weeks), but i plan on going back come the fall (i took a long time to come to this decision, but i know if i need to i can always go back)...i do have all the tools i need to keep going, plus i'll continue posting on the WW website as that is a huge key to my success.i feel a lil bad cuz i took a friend with me to my last meeting and i think she was kinda hoping for a pal to do this with (which i still will be, just not going to the meetings).

well..gotta run, kids are hungry...didn't realize it was so late already!later!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

took new pics....

and i had to change my shirt cuz the other one is too big and just hangs instead of love it!!!
plus, no glasses in the pics...i think i look weird...just so used to the glasses...i'll get used to it i hope...i like the freedom of no glasses...and everytime i put the contacts in, it reminds me that i made my goal!!!
now to up my water intake and get moving more!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I hit my 10% goal and received my keychain last nite at the meeting! I lost 5 lbs last week (thank goodness i reversed the damage from the week before!), so in total now i've lost 20 lbs on the mark~!
I'm soooo happy but not going to fall into that false sense of "i can eat whatever now cuz i made my goal" thinking, cuz that will backfire on me badly and i know it!!!
but we did have pizza last nite (switched pizza nite from friday's to tuesdays after WI) in kinda celebration! DH was so proud of me but not nearly as much as i was of myself!
so this morning i do what i always do and measured myself and i'm down 2 1/2 inches in my waist and back into the the 30's!!! talk about incentive to keep going!
plus i'm much healthier (although i still have a nagging cough) but i played ball on monday and i'm playing again tonite, plus it is just gorgeous here so after lunch i'm packing up the kiddies (and slathering on the sunscreen on all us) and out for a double stroller walk and then to the park and then to the store for ice cream for lil girl! (i have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches here for me!!!)
just really feeling good about my accomplishments so far! now i have to remember this all for when i stop going to meetings after next week and go solo!!!at least i have the msg boards and this...and i'm keeping my WI day and time the same so nothing drastic changes!!!
off for lunch now! hmmmm...tuna lettuce rollups i think today!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

uggg...cold, cold go away...never come back any day!!!

i've had just about enough of this being sick house is a mess, both kids are sick (altho lil girl still has energy to play...just coughing like she's smokes a pack a day), i feel one step up from Caca...but my sinuses are now killing me (and this cough is really giving my bladder a workout...who knew it was all attached!!!)
forcing myself to at least clean the kitchen earlier, now i'm sitting in my living room and really really need to vacuum, especially cuz lil big man is soooooo close to crawling and his blankie only covers up a small part of the mess...and he won't stay on it anymore... least i'm OP with the eating, but haven't done so much in the exercise in nothing, nada, zilch, zippo...and i hate that!!!
well...should go and strap the lil man into the jolly jumper so i can vaccuum...ugggg!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

soooo sick...uggg

Unfortunately not only did i gain HUGE this WI, but now i'm sick...feel like Caca with a capital C and still i have to look after my two lil ones...uggg...i just want to crawl up into the fetal position in bed and stay there...instead i've got baby boy in the jolly jumper cuz i just can't hold him and i don't want him to get sick from me either...lil girl was sick yesterday and this morning but is back to her normal active self now which is exhausting me just watching her jump all over the living room...
my house is a mess, and i'm trying to get all my points in today when all i want is a bucket...oh, and my throat hurts like the dickens so getting water in hurts! plus hubby is super busy so who knows when he'll be home (last nite was 9:30 and i was just heading to bed as i just finished getting lil girl to bed 15 minutes prior)...
anyway...i know what i have to do to get back on track with WW, just have to get healthy exercise or ball today...hopefully i'm better tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MY Goodness...not looking forward to WI...

Tonite, it's WI...and after the weekend (did you know that that includes Mon and Tues too? apparently it was a super long weekend for me and my hips...arrrgh), i'm dreading it but i know i need to see the damage so i can get remotivated to fix it and get to my 10% goal before this series (12 week prepaid) is over!!!

will post the results later!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

quite happy!

WI last nite and i'm quite happy with the results...down 2.2! and here i thought i wouldn't lose anything...don't know about this
so i'm only 1.8 lbs away from my 10% goal so really only about a week or so away from my reward (which i'm going to get tomorrow)...i need to pick a new reward for my next goal...hmmmmm...i don't really know if i want to get a "Target Outfit" (ala Tommy Europe's "Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp"
my knee still hurts when it goes a certain way, so i have to dig out my knee brace (i have one somewhere...probably in my army kit bag in the basement as i wore it alot in my army days, cuz that's where i originally hurt it) gotta get it for ball game tonite...
my exercise kinda fell off since the weekend...i was at least walking even tho towards the end my knee was really feeling i took monday, yesterday off and i'm gonna play ball tonite if it doesn't rain (actually i'm kinda hoping to be benched till towards the end or the whole game, cuz our next game is next wednesday, so that would give me a week to get it back to feeling good).
off to the inlaws this weekend, just me and kids as hubby's bro and nephews are coming here to go gopher hunting and just be "guys"...hopefully i can get them to babysit for me on saturday nite (after the kids are in bed) so i can run into Brandon and go out with my friends for one of my girls' birthday drinking, just dancing for me!!! we'll see...
i also need to keep a close tab on my tracking as last time i was there i fell off the tracking wagon HARD! thus the .4 lb gain from Easter...i'm usually pretty good about it and really there will be no big family dinner, so it should be easy!
we'll see!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Been a few days...

I was actually on here yesterday but you know how it goes when looking after two lil ones...never plan on anything!
actually, my morning routine that consists mainly of lounging and catching up on the internet world (i find it a bit too cool in the mornings still to venture outdoors till after lunch), has suited our needs quite nicely...throw in a bath on odd days x 2 and sometimes a shower for mom (although i like to wait till lunchtime when daddy is home to watch them), and it all starts out with all three of us in mom's bed for about 1/2 get the sleepy's outta my eyes...and i generally like to cuddle with one or both depending on who gets up first...
then we head to the living room for breakfast and to where my laptop is...
well, yesterday i got a great surprise...a friend (acquaintance really as i don't have "friends" here really) and her lil man stopped by for a playdate/tea in the mornings (thank goodness she called first and i had 10 mins to straighten up things to a somewhat okay level (you know, get the diapers in the garbage, sweep the floor and put the dishes in the dishwasher...
it was really nice to have someone to visit with, so then we moved onto laundry in the afternoon and while i was hanging clothes on the line with my two munchkins watching (one in a stroller, the other digging in her sandbox) my backyard neighbour was out in her yard with her two girls, so she said when we were finished we could pop on over to visit we did...and let me tellya, it was comforting to know i'm not the only one who doesn't keep their house "perfect"...although every time i've been over there (for parties, like partylite/homestyle signatures and jewelry parties), it HAS been perfect and you would hardly know she had a 3 and 1 year old running around!!!
i have my WI tonite and i'm not expecting any loss...i don't feel it...i hurt my knee on wednesday's ball game, but didn't realize it till i did my 30 day shred on thursday morning and then remembered again with um, well, friday nite "activities" with my hubby (blushing)...sooooo, i didn't play ball yesterday but i went to the game anyway and glad i did...i mean i love my kids to pieces but it;s soooooo nice to get away for a few hours...
i have been walking at least (not yesterday tho) hopefully i will STS at WI tonite...we'll see....
later all!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

wasn't going to post but....

i can't help myself...i just have too much to share i
so last nite was my second ball game and i was so pumped about it...but then the stupidest thing happened when i first got there...i broke my glasses!
so i wound up playing the whole game pretty much blind...i'm farsighted (i think that's the one i can see everything within 2 metres of my face, but the far away things are fuzzy!!! no, wait, i'm get the and my reward for hitting the 19.8 lbs lost (10% goal) is CONTACTS...still a few weeks away but turns out i played the best game of my updated goal (cuz the initial goal was to just h
it the ball and i did that last game) was to get home...not hit a homer but at least to score a run in...and i did that this game!!!i actually hit the ball three times and made it on my base batting game i should say...once the other team figured out i was blind (i play right field), they started gunning for me (it was the 5th or 6th inning at least...we only play 7) i never wound up catching any balls, but oh well...we still won!!!!
but now i can't get in to get new glasses or contacts till next Thursday!!!i don't want to miss two games next week but...:(
well...i also am dealing with a sick lil DD...she went to bed last nite a lil warm according to her daddy, and this morning she woke up still warm...i have been giving her acetaminaphen and motrin trying to get her back to feeling herself, i don't know if her molars are coming in again (i thought they were already in, actually...whoops) but she's not coughing or sniffly or nauseousl...just fevered with chills...poor lil girl!
so it's been quite a day...just want to get out of th
e house and go for a bike ride (after Grey's anatomy of course, and once i get baby to bed...he's been great all day, like he knows his sister is sick)...i'd like to post a picture of them on here...hmmm...let me see if i can figure that out...
till tomorrow...take care!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

OMG, soooooo happy with WI last nite!!!

i lost 2.6 lbs this past week!
just goes to show ya that if you put in the effort, you will see the results!!!
did i mention how much i looooooooove WW????well, i loooooooooooove WW!!!:)
it's such an easy add-to your existing life, and really if you follow it to the letter (and remember to watch those portions, which is my biggest downfall usually!) then you will see results!
my 10% goal is 19.8 lbs and i'm at 15.8 right now, soooooo...with 4 weeks left in this cycle (i prepaid for 12 weeks), i should be well over that goal!!!
the meeting last nite was one of the better ones i've attended...i missed the beginning cuz i was late, but quickly got weighed in and i moved up into the first row (the lifetimers row as i call secret goal is to sit up there cuz i will have hit my lifetime goal and maintained therefore earning the right to sit with them they didn't kick me
anyway the meeting was about negative self talk and how to turn it around...seems to be a pretty big thing for a lot out there...for me i think i do pretty good with the optimism (i'm a saggittarius!) but will remember how to switch it around when i do get down on myself...
not this week tho!
sooooo....after my first ballgame on monday, i'm quite sore today so i really want to concentrate on stretching out really good all day cuz i have my second game tonite!!! my goal again this year was to hit the ball (when i played two years ago, that was my goal and i never fulfilled was my first time playing fastball, i was a slopitch player but they took me
well, we had a batting practice two weeks ago and i did really well hitting off the machine, so when it was my first time up to bat, i actually hit the ball and made it onto my base!!!
so now i have to update my goal to say that i want to run home (not hit a homer, cuz that's just never going to, but i would at least like to make it home and have it count!!! oh and to learn to either slide or bunt (one or the other or if time permits maybe both!!!)
well...i think i'm gonna carb up today in prep for the game too...i'll make chicken alfredo for supper with a salad...and get lots of water in!
Thanks for dropping in~!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Great weekend...let's keep it going!)

Wow, i had a great weekend with the fam!
Saturday, i ran to town with DD (she loves it when its just her and me, er, her and I, er, me and her???lol)
we bought some primer, drywall tape, drywall mud stuff and a paint hopes of getting some work done on her room/living room wall that daddy built right before DS showed up...
then hubby went out with the boys and i spent a lovely lazy afternoon with the kids, then we had company that nite (old co-worker of hubbys came to see the kids, she is such a nice girl!) and the guy that hubby hung out with during the day...they both stayed and played cards with us old
then on sunday, was up pretty early with DS, so when hubby got up i went back to bed for an hour, then got up and packed us up for a day trip to go fishing!!!
DD LOVED it! (we had also bought her a lil kiddie Dora fishing rod on saturday that came with a practice plastic fishy so each time she reeled in a fish!!!too cute)
we caught one fish (a jack fish aka pike) and can't wait to have it for supper tonite! unfortunately it won't be battered and deep fried the way we used to make it (can't afford the extra points this close to WI, plus oven baked with dill will still be awesome!!!)
and then we left after we caught that one as things started to come undone (baby boy was fussing, realized that wood ticks were out, and DD was freaked out by the fish flopping
came home and then hubby fixed my bike tire (yay), got a bit more yard work done, got some gardening advice from a neighbour and finally got a babysitter lined up to watch the kids for my ball game nites!!!and she is one of the best babysitters ever!!! today, i need to start flushing away those hotdogs from yesterday cuz i have WI tomorrow nite!!!i'm soooo tempted to get on the scale but i won't...that's why it's in the attic!!!lol

my first fastball game tonite...sooooo excited...!!!'s lunch time now...gotta run!

Friday, May 1, 2009

is it friday already?

Seriously...i have lost track of all time since becoming a mommy over two years ago...babies just don't know what a weekend
i kinda remember that it was ingrained in me a long long time ago, to instinctively know that the weekend was fact in anticipation of it, we would go out and party on Thursday nites (we, as in me and my girlfriends...used to even be called "Mo nite" depending upon what base you were working at at the
hold on...been trying to settle lil man down for an afternoon nap for 1/2 hour now...he just won't settle but he's sooooo tired he won't stay up with me in the living room....grrrr...i hate teething!!!
With stress comes the need for something sweet...mmmm...skinny cow ice cream sandwich with lite cool whip on top! perfect....but now missy wants
so, i went and got her one and she's not eating it!!!lol
oh well...
so i have been really great at tracking everything (even getting the portions right, i'm pretty sure, although i think i'll go on a hunt for my food scale this weekend!)
i've shredded twice this week...and will be doing it again two more times before WI...i'm hoping to see at least a little progress for my efforts this week...but if not, i'm not going to stress or fret!
i read a great thread today from a group calling themselves "Goodbye Fat Pants" on the newbies was all about being good to yourself (ie. get outta those sweatpants, do your hair, paint your nails...feel pretty!) so after reading it -i had just finished my workout and was getting ready to go shower anyway- i went for a shower...put on a cute outfit (capri pants are size 16 and too big...yay!!!), did my hair (which i have to do most days since getting it cut short or it just goes POOF), painted my toenails (and DD's too), and even put on eyeliner, a little daytime eyeshadow too!!!i do feel pretty today...but now the sun has vanished and we are getting the odd shower (wanted to get to the playground today).
also, hubby said he's getting bugged to go out tonite (he very rarely goes and does "guy things"...i actually have to force him to go most, soooo...he said maybe he would take DD out with him (there is a hypnotist tonite at the school, and there will be kids's a family entertainment nite) soooo i'm hoping that it works out...i have lots more of spring cleaning to do and with having the two of them around i can usually only do limited things...can't go up or downstairs to put things if he takes her out then i can put lil man to bed shortly thereafter and then i can get after it!!!
well...i also think i'll be making lil tortilla pizza's tonite...i have ff ham, pineapple, green pepper, low fat mozza cheese and some really really great leftover tomatoe sauce (from making low fat meatloaf two nites ago)...figured out that even tho those frozen pizza's can be had every week, i should try to get a lower fat version into our i will know exactly what is going into them and the points should be really moderate...meaning i can have more!!!
well...that's it for now...lil girl wants to play Dora...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

silly gain...but now refocused!

so this is what i wrote on my msg board today...

wellllllllll....i finally had a dreaded gain...but i know why...
so after the dissappointing WI, i had a pity party for one with McD's as the choice food for the gathering...after eating that garbage, i thought and thought what i was doing wrong and really it didn't take long to figure it out...
i think i overcalculated my activity points, undercalculated lots of my portion sizes, didn't count many BLT's (didn't realize i did that as much as i do!!!), and really really didn't eat that many healthy veggies as i was in the previous i had an unexpected visitor this week (yes, i just had that two weeks ago and i WAS on the pill...i have now figured out that too, i started my pills late, and then missed three and boom, TOM i'm off it for right now till my next cycle).
also, i retook the points quiz and i'm up two points (i upped my activity level from 0 to 2 and i'm not going to calculate my ball as any AP's, cuz really it's not as much as i originally thought)...
so this week i'm going back to eating more veggies (and no more BLT's without counting them), and gotta get back to walking/shredding (i only did it once last week!!!oops)
double whew...there...that's my update!"

and now as i type this i have just finished shredding (oh how i missed it...gah...not really...ow ow and i'm sweating profusely but i have a sneaking suspicion that ball practice will be cancelled tonite cuz it is raining, raining, raining!!! (but even if it wasn't, i should still walk or shred everyday!!!)
so now all my attention will be focusing on remembering the smarter, move more, track and get to my meeting next week with a new outlook!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

things i've noticed...

so, i'm just sitting here enjoying a great lil snack of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and snap peas (with a great 3 pt dill dip, if i eat it far i'm at half and getting really full...bonus!!!)
i've noticed that my lil girl LOVES her veggies...moreso than i do and that just makes me feel soooooo good about this lifestyle change ...also, if you were to offer her a piece of chocolate or a babybel cheese, she will always always choose the "BABY"!!!
also, baby boy is getting lots and lots of different veggies as homemade mashed up meals too (he's 7 1/2 months old and has been on solids for over a month now and has done peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash -two kinds- ,potatoes, corn and potatoes and gravy-that was easter-)..with DD she did jarred food which meant we weren't eating those veggies!

also, i've noticed that if i don't get in at least 4 glasses of water a day (at the very minimum), i pay for it in the end (pardon the pun, but you know what system i'm talking about now..yep..digestive!)
i mean i knew fibre was good for me, but wow, do i need the help of water (not to mention i make sure i cook with EVOO all the time now cuz i need that too!!!)

also, i can see differences in my hubby (not huge, but definitely there) his face...and in his digestion too (he took lil girl to town on sunday and they went to mickey d's for lunch as a treat...for a big guy, he sure does have a sensitive tum-tum...i think he's just now feeling normal today)...

i've also noticed on the boards how some of the newbies are still armed with that "dieter" mentality. by this i mean they are dissappointed that they don't see bigger numbers on dropping on the scale (i blame those silly water weight diets and maybe even shows like "the biggest loser"--even tho i love that show, i know that losing those big numbers is not healthy nor is it easy to maintain in the end)
this is definitely a lifestyle change and not a diet at all! i know i may have celebrated huge last week because i had a big drop of 3 lbs, but i know that if i lose only .2 this week, it's still a loss and not to be "dissappointed"...i'm still awaiting the dreaded plateau too (cuz i know it will come)...but i'm armed with information and the knowledge that it too will pass (someone remind me of that fact, when my day comes, kay???lol)

well, snack time is over and now time to focus on what to make for lunch cuz hubby won't be home...hmmmmmm....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The good thing is...

Yep, the good thing this week is that i lost 3 lbs!!! i have never lost that much (came close at 2.8), sooooo i guess stress was good???!!!???lol
also, i had a great first practice at Fastball yesterday (a just a wee bit sore, mostly in my throwing arm...even running around the ball field for a warm up was okay!) thank goodness for shredding...cardio is getting better..whew! even tho sore today i decided to shred anyway (it's raining and no way i walk in the rain!!!lol...) and i had bought two 2 lb hand weights on tuesday so i could put the soupcans away (or hmmm, maybe eat them!) ...ow ow ow is all i can say...but i'm glad i did it and it only will hurt for a few hours then i can have a nice long relaxing hot bath (once the kids are in bed!!)
hmmm....what else...oh yeah, and we had needles for my lil man yesterday...he isn't that' 22lbs 2 oz!!!and 28 " long...and 7 months old!!!no wonder my back hurts and my arms are getting muscle tone!!lol

okay...i just got off the msg boards and one thing that i keep seeing is a whole lot of returnees (did i talk about this before?) really bothers me cuz i don't want to fail at this just to come back in a couple months or a year with my tail between my legs but i know i'm a prime candidate for exactly that! i know my past record is "go hard for 3 months or so, then..." with karate, with kickboxing, with gym memberships, with herbal magic....and the list probably goes on!!!
i don't wanna get to busy with other things and neglect this...i just hope that when i need motivation, it will be readily available...
well, i'm gonna go check another ppl's blog (the one with recipes) and see what's for dinner!!!lol

Monday, April 20, 2009

Aggravating day...hope the stress doesn't make me not lose!

That's my motto for today! er, i mean's 6 mins after midnite and i've never been soooooooooooo happy to say goodbye to a day as i am right now!
it started in the wee hours of the morn, which really is not unusual...hungry lil man woke up hungry, so i fed him...then at 5:30, he wakes up again but decides after he's eaten, that it's time to stay up....GREAT! (hear the sarcasm in that?)
so finally at 8:30 (after hubby has gotten up and gotten ready for work and left), lil man is hungry again just a lil and cranky and loud and TIRED!!!finally. back to bed we both go...i got in another hour of sleep before DD got up, bless her lil soul...she's so sweet when she first gets up. so up we get and get slowly going in our day...then lil man gets up around 10-10:30, but he's cranky pants...teething i think...i tried everything i knew to console...just not possible...finally at lunch he's in his jolly jumper and Dad comes home and he quiets down...whew, finally.
well, wouldn't you know that once dad leaves he starts up i figure that he's TIRED again and yeah, so off to nappy land he goes...meanwhile DD just wants sooooo badly to go outside and go to the park, but now i've got a sleeping baby....arrrrgh....she waits...we go after lil man gets up again...
but now it's getting later and later and silly me, doesn't take the double stroller...i took the single thinking DD is a big enough girl to walk, plus i want to tire her out too...bad idea...she loses it once i tell her we have to get going home to make supper...
also, all day i'm looking forward to my upcoming ball practice...i was sooooooo happy when i got asked to play again this year, cuz last year i couldn't cuz i was preggo and i missed it! i suck, but i love it, the team thing, getting outside, getting away from the kids, feeling somewhat young again in a healthy way, etc.
well, now i've consoled DD and we are finally walking home, get supper going and lil man starts to lose it biggie, he's hungry...i feed him, still crying, i rock him, still crying, i give him tylenol for teething pain, still crying.........arrrrrrrrrgh...i finally just leave him sittin on the floor with DD entertaining him so that i can at least get supper finished...and i totally botched supper...didn't have a reallly great plan, so i threw cut up meat, onions, mushrooms together...then i added cream cheese and sour cream to make some sort of messy dish and then i go to make rice....and that's where things got ugly....i didn't know i was low on minute rice and now i don't have time to make the long grain kind, so i figure i'll just cook the lil rice up in the big bowl of water i had it in and just drain it after it'scooked....ewwwwwwwww....don't do this EVER!!!
i wound up stopping...going to rock baby to sleep...and start's now after 6.
DH has called saying he would be home in time for me to get to ball practice at 6:30...tick tick tick...nothing....tick tick tick...i've now made a whole new supper of grilled meat, onions, gr pep and red make fajita's...tick tick tick...i eat the other stuff, and ewwwwwww...never again without a recipe!!!
finally i call DH at 6:37 and ask, should i just call someone to come and watch the kids, cuz i'm now, no, no...i'll be home in 15 mins...well, practice will be half over by then, nevermind...i'd rather miss a practice then a now i'm upset. i've been looking forward to this all day...dh said he would be home in plenty of time...why oh why couldn't he have just called to say, something came up i can't make it home on time, better get someone to watch the's now close to 7, i get lil girl's shoes and jacket on and take her outside to the backyard to play...supper is cooked and getting cold...finally dh gets home it's 7. i have a mini breakdown and wind up walking my bike to the gas station to fill the tires with air, then start to ride it to the ball diamond...oh yeah, i left my glove at home too...i am almost at the diamond now and pop, there goes my front tire...i rode the stupid bike for 3 minutes...great!
now i go see the girls practicing and say my apologies....and now i have to walk stupid bike home!!!!by the time i get back i'm calmed down enough to see the humour in my day....
oh...and i used up all my wp's that i had left...for pie and cookies!!!i deserved it i figure....and WI is tomorrow...i mean today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm really liking this whole blog thing...i used to be a journaller long long time ago and this is just as theraputic...although it is wayyyyyyy more public (i think, if anyone is actually reading this?) i just posted on the message boards with my group "Mommies and me" (which i soooooo love, the girls on there keep me motivated and totally rock...what a great tool to help assist in keeping you accountable!!!) it's the next best thing to having joined WW meetings with a friend (which didn't happen, but at least there are a great amount of local ladies that drive into town for the meetings!)...anywho, as i was saying, like i just posted on the message boards, i am making a "back burner" goal of being a success story!
i just finished reading yet another inspiring success story and whatever that "je ne ce-quoi" *sp?* is that those people have in getting and maintaining their goal weight, is something that i know i have in me, now i just have to remember that i have it and not lose it along the way for those low times (aka plateaus that are inevitable)!!!
my short term goal right now is to just get to my 10% weight goal of 178.4 and GET MY CONTACT LENSES!!! originally i thought of buying a pretty lil sundress for the hubby's upcoming homecoming/school closure event happening in july, but i will be continueing to lose weight/dress sizes so that's a no go til that event gets closer (although i'm pretty nervous about the whole clothes shopping experience, but more on that later!)
and i just looked up in my book what my 10% goal was and they have it wrong at 173.25 ??? i think it's cuz i joined two weeks before the new "intake rotation" started then i prepaid and got a whole new book and they used that weeks weight as my start weight...i should get that clarified next week and also check to see if they have the passwords in for accessing the e-tools on the website...last week i asked and they didn't have any so they had to order more...i love the website but i need the meetings as i don't have a credit card so i can't do the online program even if i wanted to (which after this 12 week rotation, i was thinking about doing....but i guess not)...oh well!

so it is day four and i have only used 3 wp's and i have accumulated 12 ap's so far...i plan on not touching those ap's if at all possible and as long as i don't go too deep into my wp's tonite i should have plenty for tomorrow nite (have a church supper/silent auction that we get to attend, but we were supposed to be going to a friend's baby's birthday celebration, which is now postponed to next friday nite)...sooooo i know we are having fried chicken for supper tomorrow so as long as i eat lite during the day, i shouldn't really dip too heavily into those wp's...then i have all day monday and most of the day tuesday to drink a tonne of water and flush the ol' system and stick to using just my dp's (which during the week is sooo easy to stick to)
i wonder why it is that the weekends are sooo lax, altho way way back when i used to have the mentality that once the weekend hit, it was party time (and oh boy i used to party it up!!!another reason for the weight...darn alcohol and late nite bingeing! not to mention the hangover cure of mickey d's french fries the next day!!!lol) least i don't do that do myself anymore...being grownup has really changed my priorities! but i still think of it as a lax time ie. feast time when it comes to meals/snacks!
i should really try to change that thinking...something to work on i guess...
well...enough of this , i have to vaccuum and actually fold the clean clothes that have been clean for the past two, and the kitchen needs a good cleaning...someday i will get to the spring cleaning of the rest of the house too!
oh hey, did i mention that i'm going to be joining the women's fastball team again this year...i had last year off as i was pregnant with Tobin, and the year before was awesome except for i never did bat a ball...wayyyyyy faster than the slo-pitch i was used to from years

Friday, April 17, 2009

some thoughts i've been thoughting about...

First off, I missed yesterday but think every other day should be good enough as then i have a little more to write life is pretty the same every day during the week so there won't be a whole lot of variety...;)

next, i missed my workout yesterday but once again...every other day should be okay until my actual copy of the 30 day shred gets number 1...for

also, i have been really good about sticking to my dp's...haven't dipped in the wp's yet! saving up for the weekend as per usual. and i've gathered 10 ap's so far, working on getting up close to 20 by WI day...i really like walking pushing a stroller opposed to just walking by myself...also, it's alot more eventful when i go and pick up my friend barb...i like having someone to talk to!

now onto some other thoughts...

I love love love my sometimes seems too good to be true, then i think of the things i've endured in order to get here...i mean it's not perfect, but it's pretty dang close! don't get me wrong, i have the ups and downs (usually really really big downs when they come...but through those, i always know it'll be okay)...i've always known that, that deep down somewhere or way way up there somewhere, someone or something will get me through whatever comes my way, and it'll all be okay. call it what you will (i use a couple of different things) like God, the Creator, etc...i just know he's there for me and there are either angels or something watching out for me! and now for my kids!

ah, my kids...the reason for everything i do now...i thought once i found my hubby that i knew what love was, but it's only one small part of the whole picture. not to make our love sound non-significant because he is my soul-mate, i know that in my heart of hearts! but now that we have created life twice, the full feeling of complete and total love surrounds me everyday!!!
i know that i would never hesitate in laying my life down for either of them and that being on WW's is the best thing for all of us. I am getting healthy for the greater good, and in turn am getting hubby healthy and therefore teaching my kids the benefits of good healthy eating and exercise. That is a main responsibility i owe them in being their parent!
not only that but i do not want them to see either me or their father suffer from the myriad of diseases associated with being obese. I watched what the complications from diabetes did to my dad less than a year ago, when it finally took his life and i do not want to go that way or watch the love of my life succumb to that fate!
i'm not going to waste time in going over the fact that i shouldv'e done this a long time ago. yes hindsight is 20/20, but you can't change what's past, right?
the important thing is I'm doing it now! and the bonus of it all is i'm going to be one hot momma!!!lol

well...i finally got lil man down for a nap (took 4 times of going in and rocking him during writing this blog, but i think i won! momma's boy!) so i shall get my shredding shoes on and get my butt (as sore as it still moving!!

thanks for checking out the tpartee!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pre-shred shredding

So, i just hopped outta the shower and baby boy is awake and playing on the floor, while i dry off, so i thought i'd pop on here for a quick min!
I just did my pre-shred shred workout (my cheater version for free on utoob), but i have ordered my copy of the whole thing cuz i sure would like to know what stretches i'm missing out on at the end (it cuts
i feel great today cuz i only took one lil break during the jumping jacks (i gots alot of jiggly when i don't want it, no matter what sports bra i use...tmi,
Tempel (my two year old DD) is just entertaining me and the baby now by dancing to her demo program on her keyboard...too cute!!!
i think i'm going to pack up the kids (it was supposed to rain but now looks like it will miss us) and run into town for groceries real quick. get back for lunch and then take them for a walk followed by time at the park!!!and somewhere in there i will figure out what to make for supper and clean up the kitchen (oh, and do one load of laundry so hubby gets his favorite sweater back!)...whew...
look at all the things i can accomplish once i'm done taking care of myself first! maybe i shoulda been doing a long time ago, but no time for regrets!!!
have a great OP day all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 i am!

Well, here I am all! Just getting my blog on!
I noticed right off the bat I have to cut down on my exclamation point use, as it could become extremely annoying...
so, as my profile reads, i have now been on WW for 6 weeks (total loss to date is 10.6 lbs...who knew that those .? losses could come to mean sooooo much)
this week was my least amount of poundage lost to date but Easter dinner was sooooooo good, and so was the leftovers, and the leftovers, oh and the leftovers!
new week, new goal, right?
well, this week i goal to get back on my motivated horsey (who i'll name and up my AP earnings, and not eat them all in one sitting! :)
why oh why is it soooo darn easy to slip back into your old eating habits when you know that it's "wrong" (aka unhealthy, bad, slow death, etc), especially when the new you is looking at the food and saying "tsk, tsk, tsk, do you know how many miles you will have to walk to burn that off your @ss???"
and honestly i don't want to be a Newbie again (i've noticed on the boards, there are a whack of returnee's, those that have lost and then left and then gained and are back)...i've made this commitment to myself, for myself and my family and gosh darn it, i want this!
I can already feel the difference a 5% loss of body weight feels and it makes me want more...
i want to play with my kids and not be winded when i get up!
i want to take a 30 minute walk and not sweat profusely.
i want to look smokin' for a 30-some year old (33 to be exact, but i plan on this being a long term thing so i'm covering 33-39 for now!)
i want, i want, i want!
and what Tawney wants, Tawney gets!

i look back on all i've accomplished in my life and i know i can do this.
Surviving my teen years was hard, and i did it.
Basic Training was hard, and I did it.
Going back to school was hard, and i did it.
Being a reporter was hard, and i did it.
Giving birth was hard, and i did that, twice!
I can do this, cuz its sooooo not hard, i just need to stick to it!

there, first blog done!
till next time, thanks for joining my t-partee!!!