Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On this day...

i choose to be positive...
i choose to recommit to the WW program...(and i am)
i choose to start a "Couch to 5k Challenge" group (and i did)...
i choose to shred (and i did)...
i choose to keep myself and my mind busy and let it be okay to reflect on only the positive good times i had with my dad...
i choose to remember him in my own way...
i choose to let that comment slide and not dwell on it...it's negative and i won't let it bring me down!
i choose to have fun at my ball windup in just over 2 hours...golfing...sweet!

love you and miss you dad! (Greg Moffatt FEB 28, 1947-JUNE 30, 2008)

Monday, June 29, 2009

refocus day!

it's been one week...and whatta week!

this is what i posted on the goodbye fat pants board in the newbies section of the WW website..."
flashback one week, had company for the week which caused emotional eating trigger huge!!!then i got hurt playing ball that nite (at least i double shredded that day, so i was all exercised up!) but then did NOTHING all the rest of the week...didn't track a thing, ate all the wrong foods (comforting as they were), felt all kinds of guilty and now i'm taking today to refocus and tomorrow morning am going to face the scale (WI day) and get back up on that wagon as it goes by me with all you successful people on it!!!
That's that! i love feeling healthy and happy and need to get back there!
also, i joined a 15 week challenge (via a blogger) and it starts today...eek! not going to have very good first week stats but oh well...can't change what i've done, just recommit and get back to it!!!"
so my company is gone home and even tho the first anniversary of my dad's passing is tomorrow, i think i have filled the hole of emotional eating...it really didn't help but seeing my best friend last nite/today definitely helped get me in a better headspace! i miss her so much but like best friends, once we saw each other it was as if we never were apart!!! she has had a uber-crappy year and yet she's still plowing ahead so i can too!!!
so, i will face the scale tomorrow morning with my head held high no matter what it reads, and am recommitting to full OP days from now till goal...no excuses!
my knee doesn't hurt as much so i will be trying to outdo this month's 19 out of 30 days shredding, and i think i will try doing the couch to 5k program during the evenings after babies are in bed...at least 3 nites a week i think is what i need to commit to...better look that up again!
also, need to get some meal planning in, as this past week's meals were anything but well planned or healthy...need some more veggies and fruits back in this house!!!
alright...time to change this crystal lite back into clean, cold, water!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


up one lb this week, but measurements are the same...gotta get back to tracking and now i have this gross knee, so shredding is on hold for the moment...and advil is my friend...lol...oh and ice, lots of ice!


Friday, June 19, 2009

hmm...halfway point!

wow...i didn't think i was busy, but i guess you can get really busy doing nothing (or at least it felt like close to nothing)...anywho...so yeah, i'm at the halfway point (um, better update that ticker...change it from 160 to 150) to my goal weight and i'm also back into my skinny clothes (er, i mean my former what i called skinny clothes cuz this is where i would usually be really happy with my weight and quit), size 14/16...i have never ever been lower than 170 lbs in over 10 years...and when i was, i don't remember ever weighing myself...so me being 174 right now, i feel pretty darn good but i don't want to rest on my laurels...or continue to test the cookies that i bake for my lil girl and dh (which i did last nite, to the tune of 4!!!) ouchie...oh well...i just caught up with my tracking and i still have 15 wp's left and i'm at 12 ap's earned so far...i did double shredding today to make up for last nite and posted that on my 30 day shred challenge board and got a friendly wager from a fellow shredder...lol...we are both behind (day 17 outta 19) and we have wagered that we can get to 21 by/on the 21st (sunday) so that means two more days of double shredding...i actually think this is a great idea...undo the cookie damage and level 1 is almost like a hard warmup for me now...after this weekend i may think about upping it to level 3! i watched it yesterday and it looks half fun and half killer...lol...but i think i can do it~!
and ball playoffs are on monday and wednesday then ball is over :(
i am seriously contemplating the couch to 5k program after that !!!we'll see!...i need to get to a city to buy really good running shoes...and a wayyyyy better sports bra!
well....later (hopefully not too much later tho!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


totally...can't believe that i lost 6 lbs in one week...i've never had that big of loss before and am wondering if my scale is faulty...how do you check something like that...i also looked up prices of those digital scales and i think the one i want is around 50 bucks...so that may be the next purchase...cheaper than the next session of meetings!
i'm thinking back to all i have done this past week and the biggest change is that i am diligently doing my shred video EVERYDAY (except for one, so far...that was the day of my ball tournament and i had played two ball games in the rain and was so tired and sore that i went to bed at 8:30!)...also, i followed the program to a tee! i earned a whack of ap's and only needed to eat one of them! i ate the majority of my wp's on the saturday and sunday and was back to just dp's for monday'/tuesday...also because i was back into the 180's i was up to 26 dp's...now i'm back to 25...which funnily is the same amount i had when i first started...my activity level is the one factor (besides the weight) that has changed...thus giving me more pt's!
i feel great...
when i started the "shred challenge" on the fitness challenge board on the ww website, we all took our waist measurement and i was at 39 1/2", something i was very proud of because when i started WW it was up at 43 (i was actually 48-43-48) and now i am 43-38-43!!!!sooooooooo happy about that but i have no jeans left to fit into...i gave my skinny jeans to my SIL, but i think they are too big for her, so i'm gonna ask for them back this weekend when we are out at the in-laws!!!
sooooo happy!
well...gotta figure out what's for lunch and supper!
later all!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


wow...haven't posted anything for a week...sorry!
i gained 3.8 lbs at WI this week but i'm back in the game with the right attitude and i've even committed myself to completing the 30 day shred DVD everyday for the month of JUNE...day four done and i feel great!
also, i'm going to stop going to meetings for a bit (depending on how i'm doing actually, i may end up going back to check in a couple weeks), but i plan on going back come the fall (i took a long time to come to this decision, but i know if i need to i can always go back)...i do have all the tools i need to keep going, plus i'll continue posting on the WW website as that is a huge key to my success.i feel a lil bad cuz i took a friend with me to my last meeting and i think she was kinda hoping for a pal to do this with (which i still will be, just not going to the meetings).

well..gotta run, kids are hungry...didn't realize it was so late already!later!